Our Winter Bucket List

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Whether you prefer to stay indoors and keep cozy or get outside and explore, there are many opportunities to enjoy this season. This is my family bucket list . You can find here brilliant creative ideas, you will enjoy during cold weather.

bucket list Iris

Our Winter Bucket List

  • Make a Family Handprint Garland * Read Winter Books * Play indoor games * Make cookies and cupcakes * Have a Tea Party * Make home decorations * Make Christmas Cards * Pay visits * Play in the Snow * Build a Snowman * Make SnowAngels * Prepare gifts for a poor family * Go to creative Workshops * Go to the Christmas Market * Have a picnic by the Christmas Tree * Make salt ornaments  * Go sledding * Make homemde Bird feeders * Spend time with you family and relatives * Take funny photos * Make a winter funny moments collage * Make a glitter jar * Make paper snowflakes * Family Yoga * Pool Day with your family * Go to the mountains * Watch a movie together * Have a pillow fight *Create a hula hoop sensory toy (for my little baby) * Create a winter sensory bin

Gondos Family Bucket List

Wishing You Well! 🙂

                                                    Ana-Maria Sulu (Teacher Anne)


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