Cozy Autumn Bucket List


What is a Bucket List? It’s a list of achievements or experiences that a person hopes to accomplish during their lifetime or in this case, you want to explore during this autumn. You can also empower your kids to make or plan their own fun activities! 🙂 Take a look at some of our favourite outdoor and indoor activities:

toamna 2018


*Organize Fall picnic. * Go on a nature walk. * Make pumpkin cream soup * Bake an apple pie. *Visit the library. * Go to a museum.  * Ride a bike. * Visit a friend. * Read a book* Play children games. * Go camping. * Make crafts. * Get ready for Halloween. * Have a garden party. * Have a pyjama party. * Climb a tree. * Go hiking.  * Be a tourist in your city. * Go Scavenger Hunt. * Go rock collecting and paint them. * Make a leaf Mandala. * Play boardgames. * Have a homemade pizza party night. * Go to creative workshops. *. * Have a No-Media day. *Go to the countryside. * Visit a farm. * Go to Yoga class Mom & Me. * Go Apple Picking * Make Fall Recipes.* Go to Cooking Workshops * Change your look.*

Prof. Ana-Maria Sulu

(Teacher Anne)

FB/Engleza MultiSensory


FUNtastic Summer Bucket List

What is a bucket list? It’s a list of achievements or experiences that a person hopes to accomplish during their lifetime or in this case, you want to explore during this summer. You can also empower your kids to make or plan their own fun! 🙂 Take a look at some of our favourite outdoor activities:

our summer bucket list 2018

*Have a picnic. * Go on a nature walk. * Fly a kite. * Build sandcastles. *Visit the library. * Go to a museum. * Bake cookies. * Ride a bike. * Visit a friend. * Plant a garden. * Play children games. * Go camping. * Make crafts. * Water gun fight. * Have a garden party. * Have a pyjama party. * Climb a tree. * Go hiking. * Blow bubbles. * Dance. * Look for bugs. * Be a tourist in your city. * Volunteer. * Go rock collecting and paint them. * Do a science experiment. * Play boardgames. * Have a homemade pizza party night. *Make and float paper boats. * Go to creative workshops. *Pool Day. * Have a No-Media day. *Go to the countryside. * Visit a farm. * Go to Yoga class Mom & Me

Prof. Ana-Maria Sulu

(Teacher Anne)

FB/Engleza MultiSensory

Counting Kittens Game

In aceasta dupa amiaza facand ordine prin sertarele mele de arts & crafts am dat peste o punga plina de pisicute. Just wonderful! 🙂 Chiar ma gandeam zilele astea cum sa fac sa o atrag pe Iris catre cifre, matematica, sa nu fiu „too pushy”. O inteleg perfect, daca imi seamana si se pare ca da, si tot mai mult 😉 e clar ca nu o sa faca o pasiune din stiintele exacte. Asadar, avand la indemana niste pisicute din lemn, frumos colorate am desenat rapid cateva cosulete pe care le-am numerotat. Aceasta activitate o voi pune in aplicare si la clubul meu de engleza pentru copii „Engleza MultiSensory”,unde vom numara si vom umple corespunzator cosuletele cu pisicute. Vom consolida astfel cifrele si culorile in limba engleza. O activitate lejera si placuta, copiii adora animalele si mai ales pisicutele.


Pentru aceasta activitate aveti nevoie de:

* carton colorat, carioci, aparat de plastifiat si pisicute sau altceva (bile, margele etc)


Cu drag,

prof. Ana-Maria Sulu (Teacher Anne)

DIY Sorcova Vesela

Anul acesta fiica mea si-a dorit petrecere de Sf. Stefan. Avand in vedere ca aceasta zi este chiar in mijlocul vacantei de iarna, i-am anuntat repede prietenii care sunt disponibili sa vina sa petrecem impreuna. Pentru ca se apropie si Anul Nou si tot am cantat prin casa „Sorcova vesela” am zis sa cumparam o sorcova. Insa nu stiam cum sa gasesc timp sa caut pe la florarii etc. O mamica mi-a zis sa-i fac eu o sorcova si de aici…. mi-a venit apoi ideea sa fac de ziua ei si un Atelier de Sorcove. A fost o idee minunata, am initiat astfel o traditie, in fiecare an cu ocazia zilei de Sf. Stefan vom avea Party + Atelier de Sorcove. 😉


Pentru o sorcova vesela aveti nevoie de: hartie colorata creponata, bete uscate/crengute, folie de aluminiu pentru imbracat crengutele si scotch/banda adeziva. Am ales o varianta foarte simpla de sorcova, avand in vedere ca cei mici aveau varste cuprinse intre 3-6 ani. Crengutele/Betele se imbraca in folie de aluminiu, hartia creponata se taie si se formeaza cat mai multe flori colorate, le legam la capat cu scotch si apoi le prindem pe bat tot cu scotch. Cand sunt gata, se canta cu energie si veselie:


Sorcova, vesela,
Să trăiţi, să infloriţi:
Ca un măr, ca un păr, 
Ca un fir de trandafir. 
Tare ca piatra, 
Iute ca săgeata.
Tare ca fierul, 
Iute ca oţelul. 
La anul si La multi ani!

Cu pasiune si entuziasm, Ana-Maria Sulu (Teacher Anne)

Ornamente din aluat sarat

Miercurea trecuta in cadrul Workshop-ului  „Rockin’around the Christmas Tree” impreuna cu copiii am decorat  mai multe ornamente din aluat sarat. Figurinele din aluat sarat le-am pregatit cu cateva zile inainte de atelier, sa fiu sigura ca sunt bine uscate. Bucuria copiilor a fost mare si de obicei cand este vorba de o activitate ce implica arta si creatie copiii se arata entuziasti. In cadrul atelierului, am facut coliere si ornamente de pus in bradul de Craciun. In limba engleza termenul folosit este Keepsake= amintire/suvenir (something kept or given to be kept as a memento). Nu a durat mult si parintii au revenit cu intrebari cu privire la reteta aluatului, mai ales ca in aceasta perioada este o idee excelenta de a face tot felul de creatii acasa, impreuna cu familia. Asadar, va las reteta aluatului sarat:


Ingrediente: 2 cani faina alba, 1 cana sare, 1/2 cana apa. Se amesteca bine si se framanta putin. Cu sucitorul se intinde apoi o bucata din aluat si se fac diverse forme. Eu am folosit: inima, brad, stea, om de turta dulce. Nu uitati sa faceti gaura, pentru a putea pune apoi un snur. La cuptor stau vreo 3-4 ore, la temperatura mica (120 grade Celsius) pentru a nu crapa. Daca doriti aluatul colorat  sau parfumat puteti adauga scortisoara (pentru aroma si culoare), turmeric (galben), sclipici. Eu am optat pentru un aluat simplu si am lasat copiii sa il decoreze dupa bunul plac. Ca aceste suveniruri sa dureze este de preferat sa se foloseasca vopsele acrilice si lipici (cu sclipici) la final. Eu am facut un amestec din cele doua au iesit destul de dragut. Acasa puteti face amintiri frumoase cu amprenta mainilor membrilor familiei, pictati si notati pe verso data. 😉

Cu drag,

Ana-Maria Sulu (Teacher Anne)

Our Winter Bucket List

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Whether you prefer to stay indoors and keep cozy or get outside and explore, there are many opportunities to enjoy this season. This is my family bucket list . You can find here brilliant creative ideas, you will enjoy during cold weather.

bucket list Iris

Our Winter Bucket List

  • Make a Family Handprint Garland * Read Winter Books * Play indoor games * Make cookies and cupcakes * Have a Tea Party * Make home decorations * Make Christmas Cards * Pay visits * Play in the Snow * Build a Snowman * Make SnowAngels * Prepare gifts for a poor family * Go to creative Workshops * Go to the Christmas Market * Have a picnic by the Christmas Tree * Make salt ornaments  * Go sledding * Make homemde Bird feeders * Spend time with you family and relatives * Take funny photos * Make a winter funny moments collage * Make a glitter jar * Make paper snowflakes * Family Yoga * Pool Day with your family * Go to the mountains * Watch a movie together * Have a pillow fight *Create a hula hoop sensory toy (for my little baby) * Create a winter sensory bin

Gondos Family Bucket List

Wishing You Well! 🙂

                                                    Ana-Maria Sulu (Teacher Anne)


Welcome back to English Class!

Bun gasit, tuturor!

26 Septembrie este Ziua Europeana a Limbilor.

Cu aceasta ocazie celebram diversitatea lingvistica si importanta invatarii limbilor straine si ne bucuram totodata de inceperea unui Nou An Scolar, cu noi clase de limba engleza pentru copii, workshop-uri educationale si multe alte surprize spre bucuria copiilor.

back to school poster engleza de nota 10

Va asteptam cu drag si voie buna sa sarbatorim impreuna Sambata, 26 septembrie, ora 11:00.

Agenda Event:

  • desfasurare activitati atractive in limba engleza pentru copii (3-10 ani)
  • gustare: healthy treats
  • party
  • surprises (toti copiii vor avea parte de o surpriza!)

*  Participarea se face pe baza de rezervare! (15 locuri)

         0757 525 372,

Let’s give a big Cheer for a new School Year! 🙂 

Workshop Educational pentru Copii

Ne revedem cu drag pe 10 septembrie (Joi), la 18:00, in cadrul unui Workshop inedit, creativ, plin de culoare si bucurie!

91o-1eFJBiL._SL1500_In jurul Casutei (de carton), care se va lasa colorata dupa bunul plac al copiilor:

  • vom canta „This little house” , 
  •  vom citi povesti si chiar
  • vom crea o poveste, lasandu-ne inspirati de casuta noastra, incercand sa raspundem la cateva intrebari: ” Where is the little house?”, „Who lives in the little house?”,”Is there a family?”, „Are there animals inside?”, ” Are they friends?” etc
  • Categorie varsta: (3-8 ani)
  • Pauza cu gustare fructe
  • Locatie: Pipera-Voluntari
  • 40 ron/copil

Inscrieri:, 0757 525 372

Join the Fun! Be smart & creative! 🙂

Engleza Activitati de Vara- Jungle Fun Theme

Dragi parinti, 

Urmatoarele trei sedinte (30 iulie, 4 august si 6 august) se vor desfasura cu tema: Jungle Fun!

Ca de obicei, copiii vor fi antrenati in activitati diverse: jocuri de memorie cu noul vocabular, explorari senzoriale, cantece si povesti tematice si diverse craft-uri, unde indemanarea, imaginatia si creativitatea vor fi la cote maxime.  🙂

jungle theme

Join us for some Wild Fun! 🙂

Teacher A-M

Club de Conversatie, Socializare si Creativitate in limba engleza pentru copii.

Dragi parinti,

Continuam seria activitatilor pentru copii, dupa cum urmeaza:

engleza grup 4-8

Grup (4-8 ani) Desfasurare clasa 80 minute.

* Circle time– new vocabulary, songs & games

* Jocuri de rol

 * Activitati creative si recreative

 * Reading time

  * Fruit snack/Gustare fructe

1-3 ani grup engleza

Grup (1-3 ani) Desfasurare clasa 45 minute.

* Circle time– new vocabulary, songs & games

*Activitati Senzoriale diverse

*Jocuri de motricitate, Jocuri de rol, Jocuri ce implica  memoria, logica, culori, forme, volum, lumea din jur;

  * Creatie  (pictat, modelat) in fiecare saptamana o activitate noua.

* Activitati bazate pe Loose Parts Plays & Natural Elements”= o joaca senzoriala cu obiecte simple, obisnuite din casa /curte incurajand astfel creativitatea si joaca imaginativa.

Mai multe despre Loose Parts Plays aici:

* Fruit Snack

Activitatile au loc dupa-amiaza, de la 18:00-19:20 (grup copii 4-8 ani), respectiv 18:00- 18:45 pentru grup copii (1-3 ani)

Inscrieri: 0757 525 372,

Locatie: Pipera-Voluntari

Join the Fun! Try a FREE Class!

Club de Vara- Activitati creative si recreative in limba engleza pentru copii

Dragi parinti,

Urmeaza doua luni de vara: Iulie si August explozive in activitati.

learn with joy summer activitiesFolosind metoda LTP (Learn through Play) – fiind considerata cea mai buna solutie de invatare a unei limbi straine, copiii invata limba engleza intr-un mod facil, creativ si diversificat! In cadrul sedintelor ne place sa fim mici actori   (aplicand  jocurile de rol -“role-play”), sa exploram, sa inventam, sa fim creativi (desfasurand activitati de arts & crafts), sa cantam, sa dansam, sa citim povesti dar si sa cream povesti. Temele propuse se schimba astfel, saptamanal.  Sedinta este de 90 minute, include activitati + gustare fructe.

Toate aceste activitati:

  • stimuleaza inteligenta emotionala
  • dezvolta imaginatia si creativitatea
  • dezvolta vocabularul si abilitatile sociale.
  • copiii se distreaza, devin relaxati si increzatori

Dam startul Programului de Vara  pe 15 iulie!

Grupe copii:

* (1-3 ani) sedinte/ateliere cu activitati bazate pe stimularea senzoriala “Sensory Play”

* (4-8 ani)

Din seria activitatilor si atelierelor creative enumeram cateva, urmand sa primiti pe mail ( in urma inscrierii copiilor) Agenda completa.

Sub deviza „Learn with Joy” avem:

  • Jocuri de rol:  “ Going to the Market”, “Going to the doctor”, “Fashion Catwalk” , „Jungle Fun” etc.
  • Summer Fun Creative Workshops ( Fine motor activities, Gross motor activities)
  • Parties & Picnics
  • PLAY


Program de calitate pentru copii conceput si sustinut de Profesor de Limba Engleza cu experienta!

Info/Inscrieri copii:

0757 525 372

World Book Day! Sarbatorim Ziua Internationala a cartii!

‘There is no skill on earth that children want to acquire more than reading”
   Dr Marion Blank


Reading is a skill, not a natural talent.

To learn any skill children need

* opportunity

* support &

* time

World Book Day is a day to encourage reading, celebrated every year on 23rd April.

We are happy to celebrate something that we actually enjoy! So, children are expected to come on Thursday 23 rd April, at 18:00, to celebrate the pleasure of reading.

We’ll have special activities due to this celebration and many other surprises! 🙂

N.B  Bring your favourite book! 🙂 

Happy Book Day!



Pyjama Party


Kids ( 3- 8 years) are invited to a Pyjama Party!

Join us for:

* funny games,

* stories

* a craft

* healthy snack.

N.B. Wear your favourite pjs and bring your favourite bedtime toy!

* Children are going to describe their pjs ( we’ll have a pyjamas catwalk) and their favourite bedtime toy! 🙂

PJ Group

Spectacol de teatru si petrecere creativa pentru copii

„Spring is nature’s way of saying, Let’s Party” Robin Williams

          Dragi parinti,

Va asteptam cu drag si voie buna sa petrecem impreuna, Duminica 15 martie, ora 17:00. Ne intalnim cu mic cu mare, ca de obicei, la cafeneaua “La folie” din Pipera.

invitatie englezadenota10

 Organizare event:

  • Teatru interactiv- “Povestea Primaverii”- 30 minutetheatre-and-masks
  • Atelier creativ- spring arts & crafts ( cei mici vor fi ajutati de parinti)
  • Gustare- healthy treats
  • Party- action songs & funny games
  • Surprises

* Locuri: 15  * Suport artisti: 30 ron

* Copiii nou-veniti sunt invitati la o CLASA GRATUITA la unul din Cluburile noastre de limba engleza:

     ” Club Engleza Sensory Play (0-3 ani) 

     ” Club English my friend” (3- 8 ani)

Participarea se face pe baza de rezervare:

 0757 525 372,


Learn English through Sensory Play

Infant and toddlers learn through touching, smelling, seeing, hearing and tasting!

 What is Sensory Play?

Sensory play is simply play that encourages children to use one or more of the senses, often called “messy play”.

Sensory play experiences, focus on stimulating children’s senses of sight, sound, smell, touch, taste, balance, and movement. Sensory experiences are like food for the brain…

 Benefits for Children

What The Research Shows:

Sensory play is important for the brain-  builds nerve connections that support thoughts, learning and creativity

Sensory play supports:

* language development,

* cognitive growth

* fine and gross motor skills

* problem solving/reasoning skills

* social interaction.

Sensory play gives children something new and exciting to experience

Sensory play can provide comfort and calm for a cranky, irritated child

Last but not least, participants are happier and have fun.

Engage children in a world of Wonder through Sensory Plays that stilmulates Sights, Sound, Taste, Touch or Smell.

Join us!

Try a FREE class!

Reservation0757 525 372,

sensory activity

Happy holidays!

Happy Holidays

Petrecere Creativa pentru copii “Santa’s Workshop” 2014

workshop 2014

Calling all children to celebrate the magical season of Joy & Love.

What we are going to do:

  • winter/holiday crafts projects (e.g of your choice: Christmas cards, Christmas tree, winter garlands, funny masks, box decorations)
  • a healthy snack is provided
  • party, surprises & raffle prizes
  • Santa’s Workshop Diploma


Date: on Thursday, 18 December

Time: 18:00-19:30

Place:  Pipera (will be announced after registration).

N.B. The little ones will be helped in crafting by their parents.


                             0757 525 372

Be our guest! Be Jolly & Creative! 🙂

Advent Calendar with creative activities for kids!

An Advent Calendar is a special calendar used to count or celebrate the days in anticipation of Christmas.

I didn’t grow up with advent calendars, but I’m pretty sure children adore them.

You can buy one or you can be very creative and make one with your children.

Copy right snowman

This year I’ll use my “Snowman Advent Calendar” (it’s a special gift from a dear friend, from Austria), but the following years I’m going to make handmade calendars together with my daughter, Iris.

This activity gives children the opportunity to:

  • participate in a holiday tradition
  • exercise fine motor skills
  • generate enthusiasm for the festivities to come

Our calendar is filled with creative holiday activities, written on pieces of paper, but you can also put some small treats in each box if you like.

Copy right  englezadenota10

Here are some ideas for activities:

1 Read Christmas/Winter books

2 Snowman arts & crafts with a short poem (e.g “ I’m a little snowman”)

3 Rudolf arts & crafts with a song. ( Rudolf the Red Nosed reindeer or Five little reindeer)

4 Little Snowflake- paper craft & dance  (Little snowflake song or Dance like snowflakes )

5 Handmade Cards for family & friends

6 Donate presents  (The Shoe Box project)

7 Salt dough ornaments ( then you paint & decorate them)

8 Bake Christmas cookies

9 Make a Gingerbread house (made of felt or cardboard)

10 Make a paper Garland to decorate your house.

11 Make a paper Garland for your kids to dance with.

12 Make a Snowman Pizza

13 Write a Letter to Santa & a Thank you Note too!

14 Make a Fruit Christmas Tree

15 Write a list of 5 things or more you are thankful for.

16 Build a Snowman

17 Go ice skating

18 Sing your favourite carols

19 Winter Collage (can be a coloured/painted paper project or a sensorial bottle/box if you have a toddler like me )

20 Watch a Christmas movie.

21 Go out to look at Christmas lights after dark.

22 Christmas Tree decoration

23 Memory special card with kids’ handprints on it “Santa handprint”

24 Have a tea party with friends.

10624707_680589718726121_6355931909085047283_n advent_wreath_calendar feltgingerbread_house     Kiwi-Christmas-tree Simple-Activites-Advent-Calendar  Snowman-Christmas-Fruit-Platter

For your inspiration: Super simple Advent Calendars (DIY):

  • Advent Jar
  • Advent Banner with colourful envelopes
  • Advent Poster
  • Advent Wreath
  • Advent Garland with paper glasses and many more ideas here:

Halloween Party 2014

Parents and kids ( 2-10 years)!

You are invited to attend our Halloween Party 2014.

Date: on Thursday, 30 October

Place: La Folie Café,  Pipera

Time: 18:00

halloween 2014

We are going to organize funny (not scary) activities, interesting games & exciting contests. Children will also enjoy special snacks and treats and more other surprises.

Be our guest!

RSVP: 0757 525 372 ,

 Organizator: Cambridge Club-Engleza pentru copii

5 Octombrie, Ziua Mondiala a Profesorului! Happy Teachers’ Day

You know you are a Teacher when… Someone asks you how many kids you have and you say „20”

happy teach

Here are some funny school jokes to make your day:  🙂

Back to School

„The summer holiday was over and young Jack returned to school.

Only two days later his teacher phoned his mother to tell her that Jack was misbehaving.

‘Wait a minute,’ mother said. ‘I had Jack with me for 10 weeks and I never called you once when he misbehaved.”

School Learning
Mary comes home from her first day at school. Mother asks, ‘What did you learn today?’
She replies, ‘Not enough. I have to go back tomorrow.’

Mum: How did you find school today?
Youngster: I simply hopped off the bus – and there it was.

New Teacher
Mia: I think we need a new teacher.
Mum: Why is that?
Mia: Our teacher doesn’t know anything, she keeps asking us for the answers.

Teacher: Brett, your essay on ‘My Dog’ is exactly the same as your sister’s.  Did you copy her?

Brett: No Miss; it’s the same dog. :))



Fairy Party- A Celebration of Children’s Play & Imagination

When Children are playing, Children are learning

Play expands intelligence, stimulates the imagination, encourages creative problem solving, and helps develop confidence, self-esteem, and a positive attitude toward learning. Dr Fraser Mustard

Fairy Event

As you know, our activities are designed to make chidren learn in a natural way! Childood is the most beautiful of all life’s seasons! Childood is the world of miracle and magic, of laughs and pure joy! Chidren need to have fun, to explore, to discover, to use their imagination, to create, to be happy while playing, and by playing they are learning. We are doing all these, in our way!

What your child will learn at this party? Well, besides fun, he/she will do lots of activities that focus on:

* learn, practice & improve English

* learn about Nature and Autumn

* memory: words & songs

*imaginative play & creativity

* arts & crafts

* develop fine & gross motor skills

Join us for a magical time!

On Thursday, September 18, at 18:30

Parents are invited too!

RSVP: 0757 525 372,

* Fairy dresses & elves costumes encouraged but optional.