Blessings Jar DIY/ Borcanul cu Binecuvântàri

De cativa ani ma tot tin sa fac un borcan cu binecuvantari/ bucurii mici si mari adunate de -a lungul anului, insa din varii motive am omis. De data aceasta am pregatit un borcan, pot spune ca e chiar stylish 😉… Daca notezi in agenda, jurnal, ar fi doar pentru tine iar eu as vrea mai mult, as vrea ca cei doi copii ai mei sa creasca cu bucurie si recunostinta, sa aprecieze cu adevarat atat micile cat si marile bucurii, sa creasca constienti. Aceasta idee vine intr-adevar in ajutorul celor care vor sa traiasca constient si vor sa transmita mai departe valori, traditii de familie, bucuria de a trai si recunostinta pentru cele primite.


Borcanul cu Binecuvântàri pentru familia ta contine momentele voastre , situatiile si experientele voastre de viata traite cu bucurie, entuziasm si implinire. Daca copiii sunt de varsta scolara pot fi implicati cu usurinta si pot ei insisi sa scrie biletele cu bucuriile de -a lungul anului iar in data de 31 decembrie, la finele anului, se citesc cu emotie, recunostinta si amuzament!  Sper ca te-am inspirat si pe tine. 😊

Cu pasiune si entuziasm,  Ana-Maria Sulu ( Teacher Anne)

Happy holidays!

Happy Holidays

Petrecere Creativa pentru copii “Santa’s Workshop” 2014

workshop 2014

Calling all children to celebrate the magical season of Joy & Love.

What we are going to do:

  • winter/holiday crafts projects (e.g of your choice: Christmas cards, Christmas tree, winter garlands, funny masks, box decorations)
  • a healthy snack is provided
  • party, surprises & raffle prizes
  • Santa’s Workshop Diploma


Date: on Thursday, 18 December

Time: 18:00-19:30

Place:  Pipera (will be announced after registration).

N.B. The little ones will be helped in crafting by their parents.


                             0757 525 372

Be our guest! Be Jolly & Creative! 🙂

Advent Calendar with creative activities for kids!

An Advent Calendar is a special calendar used to count or celebrate the days in anticipation of Christmas.

I didn’t grow up with advent calendars, but I’m pretty sure children adore them.

You can buy one or you can be very creative and make one with your children.

Copy right snowman

This year I’ll use my “Snowman Advent Calendar” (it’s a special gift from a dear friend, from Austria), but the following years I’m going to make handmade calendars together with my daughter, Iris.

This activity gives children the opportunity to:

  • participate in a holiday tradition
  • exercise fine motor skills
  • generate enthusiasm for the festivities to come

Our calendar is filled with creative holiday activities, written on pieces of paper, but you can also put some small treats in each box if you like.

Copy right  englezadenota10

Here are some ideas for activities:

1 Read Christmas/Winter books

2 Snowman arts & crafts with a short poem (e.g “ I’m a little snowman”)

3 Rudolf arts & crafts with a song. ( Rudolf the Red Nosed reindeer or Five little reindeer)

4 Little Snowflake- paper craft & dance  (Little snowflake song or Dance like snowflakes )

5 Handmade Cards for family & friends

6 Donate presents  (The Shoe Box project)

7 Salt dough ornaments ( then you paint & decorate them)

8 Bake Christmas cookies

9 Make a Gingerbread house (made of felt or cardboard)

10 Make a paper Garland to decorate your house.

11 Make a paper Garland for your kids to dance with.

12 Make a Snowman Pizza

13 Write a Letter to Santa & a Thank you Note too!

14 Make a Fruit Christmas Tree

15 Write a list of 5 things or more you are thankful for.

16 Build a Snowman

17 Go ice skating

18 Sing your favourite carols

19 Winter Collage (can be a coloured/painted paper project or a sensorial bottle/box if you have a toddler like me )

20 Watch a Christmas movie.

21 Go out to look at Christmas lights after dark.

22 Christmas Tree decoration

23 Memory special card with kids’ handprints on it “Santa handprint”

24 Have a tea party with friends.

10624707_680589718726121_6355931909085047283_n advent_wreath_calendar feltgingerbread_house     Kiwi-Christmas-tree Simple-Activites-Advent-Calendar  Snowman-Christmas-Fruit-Platter

For your inspiration: Super simple Advent Calendars (DIY):

  • Advent Jar
  • Advent Banner with colourful envelopes
  • Advent Poster
  • Advent Wreath
  • Advent Garland with paper glasses and many more ideas here:

Halloween Party 2014

Parents and kids ( 2-10 years)!

You are invited to attend our Halloween Party 2014.

Date: on Thursday, 30 October

Place: La Folie Café,  Pipera

Time: 18:00

halloween 2014

We are going to organize funny (not scary) activities, interesting games & exciting contests. Children will also enjoy special snacks and treats and more other surprises.

Be our guest!

RSVP: 0757 525 372 ,

 Organizator: Cambridge Club-Engleza pentru copii

Fairy Party- Magic Moments

Magic moments, healthy treats and lots of fun – the perfect party combination.   „Fairy Forest” transported the children away to a magical world  of make believe, where their dreams began and enchantment  commenced. The activities they participated in included:

* arts & crafts: children decorated magic garlands

* a magic show (we danced, sang and played funny games).

* raffle prizes

We all had great fun, enjoyed the magic, the fun, the laughter!

Fairy PartyFairykidsfairy partyfairy partyFairy wishchildhood

Engleza pentru copii- programe educationale

englezadenota10Cambridge Club- English for Kids pune la dispozitia parintilor mai multe programe educationale de invatare a limbii engleze, intr-un mod cat mai simplu, eficient si creativ:

* English My Friend– Program Interactiv de invatare a limbii engleze, cu accent pe: joc si activitati de socializare, proiecte individuale si de grup, teatru, role-play, arts & crafts. Participa copii de (3-8 ani). Se desfasoara dupa amiaza, in grup de maximum 8 copii. Sedinta dureaza 80 minute cu snack/tea-break intre activitati.

*Learn with Joy– Program Interactiv si Dinamic de invatare a limbii engleze prin: JOC, MUZICA si DANS.

Grupa: JOYFUL HEARTS (0-3 ani) Se desfasoara dimineata, cu o durata de aproximativ 45 minute.  Participa Copil/Copii+Parinte/Bunic/Bona

* Pregatire individuala/grup pentru diverse testari si examene Cambridge. Participa copii (7-12 ani).

 Materiale didactice folosite: carti, marionete, materiale audio-video,  flash cards, postere, instrumente musicale, mingi, pom poms etc.

Inscrieri copii: 0757 525 372,

Sa invatam cu bucurie! Learn with Joy!