Club de Vara- Activitati creative si recreative in limba engleza pentru copii

Dragi parinti,

Urmeaza doua luni de vara: Iulie si August explozive in activitati.

learn with joy summer activitiesFolosind metoda LTP (Learn through Play) – fiind considerata cea mai buna solutie de invatare a unei limbi straine, copiii invata limba engleza intr-un mod facil, creativ si diversificat! In cadrul sedintelor ne place sa fim mici actori   (aplicand  jocurile de rol -“role-play”), sa exploram, sa inventam, sa fim creativi (desfasurand activitati de arts & crafts), sa cantam, sa dansam, sa citim povesti dar si sa cream povesti. Temele propuse se schimba astfel, saptamanal.  Sedinta este de 90 minute, include activitati + gustare fructe.

Toate aceste activitati:

  • stimuleaza inteligenta emotionala
  • dezvolta imaginatia si creativitatea
  • dezvolta vocabularul si abilitatile sociale.
  • copiii se distreaza, devin relaxati si increzatori

Dam startul Programului de Vara  pe 15 iulie!

Grupe copii:

* (1-3 ani) sedinte/ateliere cu activitati bazate pe stimularea senzoriala “Sensory Play”

* (4-8 ani)

Din seria activitatilor si atelierelor creative enumeram cateva, urmand sa primiti pe mail ( in urma inscrierii copiilor) Agenda completa.

Sub deviza „Learn with Joy” avem:

  • Jocuri de rol:  “ Going to the Market”, “Going to the doctor”, “Fashion Catwalk” , „Jungle Fun” etc.
  • Summer Fun Creative Workshops ( Fine motor activities, Gross motor activities)
  • Parties & Picnics
  • PLAY


Program de calitate pentru copii conceput si sustinut de Profesor de Limba Engleza cu experienta!

Info/Inscrieri copii:

0757 525 372

Engleza pentru copii- programe educationale

englezadenota10Cambridge Club- English for Kids pune la dispozitia parintilor mai multe programe educationale de invatare a limbii engleze, intr-un mod cat mai simplu, eficient si creativ:

* English My Friend– Program Interactiv de invatare a limbii engleze, cu accent pe: joc si activitati de socializare, proiecte individuale si de grup, teatru, role-play, arts & crafts. Participa copii de (3-8 ani). Se desfasoara dupa amiaza, in grup de maximum 8 copii. Sedinta dureaza 80 minute cu snack/tea-break intre activitati.

*Learn with Joy– Program Interactiv si Dinamic de invatare a limbii engleze prin: JOC, MUZICA si DANS.

Grupa: JOYFUL HEARTS (0-3 ani) Se desfasoara dimineata, cu o durata de aproximativ 45 minute.  Participa Copil/Copii+Parinte/Bunic/Bona

* Pregatire individuala/grup pentru diverse testari si examene Cambridge. Participa copii (7-12 ani).

 Materiale didactice folosite: carti, marionete, materiale audio-video,  flash cards, postere, instrumente musicale, mingi, pom poms etc.

Inscrieri copii: 0757 525 372,

Sa invatam cu bucurie! Learn with Joy!

Hello June, Happy Birthday, kids!

„Childhood is the most beautiful of all life’s seasons”

Let them PLAY!

Let them GET MESSY!

Let them EXPLORE!

Let them BE LITTLE!


Childhoodhappy birthday

Mr Snowman

My little snowmanAm decorat de-a lungul anilor: pereti, geamuri, holuri, clase, incat am dezvoltat o adevarata pasiune… pasiune pe care o exercit cu drag, in continuare, atunci cand organizez evenimente private pentru copii. Suntem in pragul minunatelor sarbatori de iarna si gandul ne este intodeauna la cei dragi; tindem sa-I surprindem cum putem mai bine, inspirati fiind de magia iernii. Mr Snowman este un personaj care prinde viata atat in casele oamenilor cat si in clasele din gradinite si scoli.  Ii puteti, de asemenea, da orice nume doriti, eu ii spun simplu Mr Snowman (mi  se pare  mai elegant) mai tarziu, o voi lasa pe fiica mea (cand va mai creste) sa-I dea un nume dupa bunul plac.

Ce e cu acest Mr Snowman? Este o decoratiune! Poate fi folosita atat in camera copiilor sau pentru decorarea unui clase. De cate ori organizez evenimente pentru copii, obisnuiesc sa-mi fac singura decoratiunile si de cele mai multe ori, cu ce am prin “camara”… va spun mai tarziu ce-I cu camara mea! Uneori, sunt ajutata de copii, este o adevarata incantare pentru ei sa poata contribui la „designul” unei incaperi pentru o petrecere/workshop etc.  Asadar, pentru atelierul de creatie  “ Santa’s Workshop” din aceasta iarna, am hotarat ca piesa decorativa centrala sa fie Mr Snowman! Mr Snowman este facut cu ce am avut la indemana. Camara, pe care orice om o are la casa lui, eu am transformat-o intr-un atelier, unde imi tin toate materialele de care am nevoie pentru cursuri si astfel de evenimente.

Cum se face Mr Snowman? Simplu!1_XDPHNABS

Aveti nevoie de:

–         carton (doua bucati rotunde pentru body). Eu am folosit cartonul de la cutia de apa Bucovina. Mi-a ajuns chiar si pentru” legs”!

–         Coli colorate/albe, ambalaje cadouri; de exemplu pentru nasturii lui Mr Snowman am folosit o sacosa de la Zara (mi-a placut acel bleumarin).

–         Foarfeca, creion, marker, capsator, dublu adeziv

–         Multa Inspiratie… Voi creati acest personaj, va puteti juca cum doriti cu outfitul lui! Mai ales daca va ajuta si copiii, va fi o activitate de neuitat!Eu am renuntat la caciula pe care i-o facusem initial… am imprumutat o caciula de iarna,  de la fiica mea si a iesit mult mai funny!

Voi pune mai multe poze de la evenimentul privat (cu toate decoratiunile) in curand!Dupa cum se poate vedea din poze, am fost asistata de spiridusul meu! 🙂

Enjoy! Fiti creativi!

Teacher: Anne -Marie


Happy Turkey! The Short Story of Thanksgiving Day for little ones!


Thanksgiving is an American festival. It’s on the fourth Thursday in November.

On this day, American families come together to have a big dinner. They eat turkey, pumpkin pie and ice cream.



The First Thanksgiving

It’s the year 1620. A group of people from England arrive in America.  Their ship is called MayflowerThe people want to find new homes in America. But it is winter. They are cold and hungry.

Native Americans help them. They give them food and warm clothes. In spring, the Native Americans help them to grow corn and pumpkins. They also give them some turkeys. In the autumn, the people from England have a big party. They want to thank the Native Americans for their help. They eat turkey and pumpkin. This is the story of the First Thanksgiving.happy-thanksgiving-greetings-22




Colours of Halloween


Black cat. Orange pumpkin.

White ghost. Green-eyed monster.

Black, orange, white, green.

These are the colours of Halloween!

Set the spirit flying on the Halloween night! Here we have some ideas: Carve the pumpkin, light the candles, go trick or treating or just read these  monster riddles to your kids.

 I am a monster that has been on a diet. There is no fat on me! Or muscle either! You might say that I am all skin and bones –without the skin. I rattle when I walk. And my teeth chatter when I talk.   I come from far, far away. Most people think I am green and hideous. But really I am not so bad. I am just looking for a few Earthlings to put in my zoo back on my home planet.
Who am I?______________________ Who am I?_______________________
 I walk through walls as I please.  Sometimes you can see me and sometimes you can’t. I moan and I groan. I rattle chains. You find me in old houses, graveyards, and castles.  Most of the time, you would never guess I was a monster because I look just like you. But once a month, I let my hair down and howl at the moon.  But beware! If I bite you will become like me.
Who am I?_______________________ Who am I?_______________________
 I was wrapped in white and buried in my tomb a long time ago.Now, I wait in the dark with my golden treasures all around. Outside the sand piles high over top my tomb.
Who am I?______________________

 Dressed in black, I brew potions, I cast spells, and I put curses on people. If you bother me or my cat, you’ll sit on a lily pad and eat flies.  I live under bridges and in caves. I eat travelers that pass my way. I am large and ugly. I carry a club. Think of a word that rhymes with ‘roll.’
Who am I? Who am I?

Welcome! Have a seat. Dinner will be served shortly. Sorry we don’t have any garlic bread. I can’t stand it. What am I drinking you ask? Don’t worry . . . it’s . . um . . . grape juice. Now just relax while I look at your neck. 

Who am I?_______________________

Play to Learn – Engleza pentru copii!

Autumn leaves are falling down/
Children  playing on the ground

Making piles of  yellow leaves/Gathering  sweet  memories

Dragi parinti,

Din 06 septembrie,  copiii sunt asteptati sa ia parte la activitatile noastre desfasurate in limba engleza, prin participarea la cursul Play to Learn! Program: Marti & Joi de la 18:00

Invatam engleza prin activitati diverse si lejere:

  •  jocuri comunicative si activitati de socializare
  • proiecte individuale si de grup
  • teatru si jocuri de rol
  • lumea magica a povestilor
  • prezentari audio-video la fiecare lectie
  • arts & crafts
  • handwriting
  • tea/snack-break intre activitati

Alte activitati  si programe pentru 2012-2013:

 *Ateliere Educative, *Workshop-uri tematice, *Pregatire Examene Cambridge.

Inscrieri: 0757 525 372,

Cu drag,

Echipa Englezadenota10

Happy Birthday, Kids!

Dear Children,

Have a sweet day full of Joy, Happiness and lots of Smiles! We dedicate a special poem to you:

Come meet the child/Who loves to be free,
Warmed by the sun/And kissed by the sea.

Come meet the child/Who watches each sky,
Searching for rainbows/Or objects that fly.

Come meet the child/Who hides from the dark,
Bees that can sting/Or dogs that will bark.

Come meet the child/Who’s eager for praise,
Told she is special/And loved many ways.

Come meet the child/Who’s so hard to see.
Come meet the child/That lives within me!
                       J. Warren
                      © Warren Publishing

Happy Birthday!

Kids Love English!

Cambridge Club Tea Party!

You’re invited to our “Cambridge Club Tea Party” on 25th February, at 11:00 o’clock! Children aged (3 to 12 years) & parents too are invited to our party!

A child tea party is a truly magical experience that can create sparkling childhood memories. A tea party is an elegant way to spend an afternoon and learn a little about a different era in history. In Victorian England, “tea” was not only a drink – it was a whole meal! Invented as an afternoon snack between “dinner” (what we now call lunch) and “supper” (what we now call dinner), tea provided a break from work, a social event, and a chance to show off your elegant manners and superior hospitality. Back then, tea was imported from India and China in speedy sailing ships called “clippers.” Because of the high price, drinking tea was a sign of class, and the lady of the house was often the only one to hold the key to the “tea box” for fear that servants might steal some of the precious leaves.

Cambridge Club Tea Party includes:

  • * Tea & Treats
  • * Short and Easy “Etiquette Instructions”
  • * Cambridge Club Kids Show (Songs & a funny Play)
  •  * Funny Games
  •  * Music & Dance
  • * Tea Party “Thank-You notes”

Topics covered:

  • * Meeting & Greeting people
  • * Magic Words
  •  * Giving, Receiving & Sharing
  •  * The 3 C’s: customs, courtesy & common sense

N.B. This is Children’s Event! Parents will sit at separated tables, watching the party. Parents with small children can sit together in the Kids Corner (children’s tea table).

Dress Code: For girls: dress, hat, scarf, gloves etc

                       For boys: suit or just a shirt, bow tie, hat etc.

Rezervations: 0757 525 372  (Free entrance!)

Location: La Follie – cafenea & ceainarie Str. Emil Racovita, Pipera

Be our guest and don’t be late! At 11 o’clock Tea is served! 🙂

Cambridge Club 2012

Dragi parinti,

Pentru ca suntem inca in vacanta activitatile in limba engleza pentru copii vor incepe in data de 20.01.2012. De asemenea, va anuntam ca pe parcursul acestui an, surprizele si noutatiile se vor tine lant. Nu divulgam nimic deocamdata, altfel nu ar mai fi surpriza 🙂

Pana la inceperea cursurilor, aveti la dispozitie  adresa noastra de mail pentru inscrieri/ intrebari/informatii sau orice alte detalii.

Toate cele bune!

Echipa Cambridge Club

‘Tis the season to be Jolly!

„See the holidays through the eyes of a child. Remember your time as a child. Are we really that different? Wonder is not exclusive to children. The holidays are full of wonderment.” ~ Mark Toomey


May Joy and Happiness snow on You,

May the bells jingle for You

And may Santa be extra good to You!

Cambridge Club wishes you all these and more. Happy Holidays!


The Legend of the Christmas Stocking

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that Saint Nicholas soon would be there„. There was a kindly nobleman whose wife had died of an illness leaving the nobleman and his three daughters in despair. After losing all his money in useless and bad inventions the family had to move into a peasant’s cottage, where the daughters did their own cooking, sewing and cleaning. When it came time for the daughters to marry, the father became even more depressed as his daughters could not marry without dowries, money and property given to the new husband’s family. One night after the daughters had washed out their clothing they hung their stockings over the fireplace to dry. That night Saint Nicholas, knowing the despair of the father, stopped by the nobleman’s house. Looking in the window Saint Nicholas saw that the family had gone to bed. He also noticed the daughters’ stockings. He secretly tossed three bags filled with gold coins down the chimney. The bags fell into the stockings that were hanging by the fire. His kindhearted gift made it possible for all three daughters to marry and have a happy life. From this was born the legend of Santa coming down the chimney and placing gifts in children’s Christmas Stockings.

May you find your Christmas stockings filled with delight, fun, health and happiness! 🙂


Proud To Be a Teacher!(part 2)

Mare, mare bucurie la Santa’s Workshop! Copiii au dat dovada de  entuziasm si implicare,  de data aceasta,  in cadrul atelierului de creatie. Activitatile desfasurate au fost un deliciu pentru cei mici pentru ca le-a stimulat interesul si dorinta de a se implica, de a realiza ceva prin stradania lor, dezvoltandu-si astfel creativitatea, imaginatia si fara efort am mai invatat cate ceva in limba engleza. Este cunoscut faptul ca acest gen de activitati, care stimuleaza creativitatea le da posibilitatea de a-si manifesta personalitatea, integrarea in colectiv, socializarea si dobandirea de noi cunostinte. Mai jos sunt cateva poze din cadrul evenimentului care ne-a placut mult, mult de tot!

Santa’s Workshop!

 Atelier dedicat micilor spiridusi!

Cambridge Club are placerea de a va invita, Sambata 10 decembrie, ora 11:00 la atelierul nostru de creatie. In cadrul acestui workshop dedicat sarbatorilor de iarna, copiii vor participa gratuit la activitati educative desfasurate in limba engleza.

Ce vom face? Iata cateva exemple:

• Coloram! • Lipim! • Decupam!

• Facem colaje, proiecte de grup:“Winter – a magic season”

 • Ascultam/Vizionam/Cantam colinde de iarna

Vizionam povesti de sezon: “Santa’s workshop” & “Santa’s Surprise”

Art & Craft“My funny snowman”( creatie individuala “Simpaticul Om de zapada”)


– nu se percepe taxa

– confirmati participarea intrucat locurile sunt limitate!

Joi (08.12.2011)este ultima zi in care se mai pot face inscrieri!

Inscrieri: 0757 525 372

Proud to be a teacher!

What a great Halloween Party!  We had lots of witches, fairies, vampires, ghosts, pumpkins and other Halloween characters. It was a delightful evening with lots of laughter. Kids were so excited, they danced, sang, coloured, watched funny Halloween stories and  Snow White (the Host) gave them „little presents”.  Thank you for your participation!

Snow White 🙂

Here are some photos of our funny & enjoyable evening:

Halloween Party for Kids!

 Halloween is just around the corner in just 4 short days, we’ll be celebrating the very things that we fear in our every day lives. Things like ghosts, monsters, witches and other frightening creatures are to be paraded around because we are preparing a Halloween Party for Kids!

Children aged (3 to 10 years) are invited to our Party, on Monday 31.10.2011 at our location in Pipera. We are going to organize funny (not scary) activities, games and of course a special “Halloween Costume Contest”. Children will also enjoy our special snacks and treats and more other surprises. Be our guest!

For details:  0757 525 372

Cluburi Engleza pentru Copii

Scurta prezentare:

Cambridge Club” este un curs interactiv de limba engleza, destinat copiilor cu varsta cuprinsa intre 2-12 ani.  Frecventa prescolarilor la curs este de doua ori pe saptamana, dupa amiaza.  Activitatea se desfasoara in grupe mici de 5-10 copii, in functie de varsta si nivelul lor de cunoastere a limbii engleze.  Programul de Weekend este destinat Scolarilor,  in cadrul acestui Club se urmareste pregatirea elevilor pentru examenul Cambridge (YLE).


Punem accentul pe nevoia copiilor de:

  • A socializa – folosind astfel, jocuri didactice;
  • A coopera– lucrand atat pe grupe, cat si in echipe
  • A fi motivati –  organizand concursuri atractive,  diverse workshop-uri cu teme inspirate

Activitatile se desfasoara asadar, prin actiune, bazandu-se pe strategii activ-participative care incurajeaza plasarea copilului in situatia de a explora si de a deveni independent, si prin joc ca forma cea mai naturala de invatare. Gama variata de metode si tehnici de predare, face ca invatarea sa fie cat mai lejera, iar activitatile captivante pe care le desfasuram ajuta la o buna dezvoltare a abilitatilor

 De ce sa alegi Cambridge Club?

 *   Pentru maniera eficienta si atractiva care reuseste sa trezeasca interesul copiilor pentru limba engleza;

  •       Pentru ca aici copiii sunt antrenati in a utiliza limba atat la nivel colocvial (familiar) cat si la nivel formal ( pregatirea acestora pentru examenele Cambridge YLE).
  •        Pentru metodele moderne utilizate: (Communicative Language TeachingMultiple Intelligences, Cooperative Groups, Share – Pair Circles, Jigsaw, Brainstorming etc.)
  •       Pentru că aici copiii învaţă implicandu-se activ in procesul de invatare:  jucându-se, desenand, confecţionand diverse obiecte facand apel la creativitate, apoi le integrează în jocuri de rol
  •          Pentru diversitatea activitatilor : jocuri comunicative, activitati de socializare  jocuri de rol, proiecte individuale si de grup care ajuta la dezvoltarea capacitatii de a se exprima in aceasta limba, precum si spiritul de observatie, gandirea reproductiva si creativa
  •          Pentru ca utilizam publicatii proprii, carti de la edituri de prestigiu ( Oxford, Macmillan, Longman) si asiguram suport audio-video la fiecare lectie
  •          Pentru atmosfera ludica ce asigură copiilor toate premisele învăţării limbii  engleze
  •          Pentru ca punem accent atat pe dezvoltarea abilitatilor fiecarui copil, cat si pe valorizarea acestora in cadrul colectivului
  •          Pentru ca acordam importanta fiecarui eveniment (Zile onomstice, Halloween,Craciunul, Ziua Mamei, Pastele, Ziua Copilului)
  •           Pentru ca deviza noastra este Learn to be the best

 Program:  Luni-Vineri16:00-19:00, Sambata:11:00-19:00

Informatii si inscrieri : 0757 525 372

It’s up to You!

Here’s a beautiful inspirational poem especially handpicked for you, to brighten your day. So, read this poem slowly to savor the deep wisdom shared. Enjoy!:)

One song can spark a moment,
One flower can wake the dream.
One tree can start a forest,
One bird can herald spring.
One smile begins a friendship,
One handclasp lifts a soul.
One star can guide a ship at sea,
One word can frame the goal.
One vote can change a nation,
One sunbeam lights a room.
One candle wipes out darkness,
One laugh will conquer gloom.
One step must start each journey,
One word must start each prayer.
One hope will raise our spirits,
One touch can show you care.
One voice can speak with wisdom,
One heart can know what’s true.
One life can make the difference,
You see, IT’S UP TO YOU! ~

Time to be happy!

Does anybody know what time it is?

Yes… it’s the time to be happy

The time to be happy is now

And the place to be happy is here

And the way to be happy is to make someone happy

And we’ll have a little heaven right here

Easter Time !

Easter Bunnies come to us

Hopping, hopping on the grass.

Bunnies jump on the ground

Bringing joy all around!

What they really want to say is:

Happy Easter Day!

La Clubul „Kids Love English” intr-o atmosfera de cantec si veselie, copiii au lucrat cu spor pregatind felicitari de Paste pentru cei dragi, cosuri cu oua si multe alte surprize in asteptarea lui „Easter Bunny”. Mai jos sunt prezentate momente de creatie:

Principles of Good Parenting

There is no more important job in any society than raising children, and no more important influence on how children develop than their parents.

” 10 Basic Principles of Good Parenting” by Laurence Steinberg

Highly recommended for all parents, teachers, coaches and any other youth workers.

People define good parenting in different ways…In my view, good parenting is parenting that fosters psychological adjustment — elements like honesty, empathy, self-reliance, kindness, cooperation, self-control, and cheerfulness. Good parenting is parenting that helps children succeed in school; it promotes the development of intellectual curiosity, motivation to learn, and desire to achieve. Good parenting is parenting that deters children from antisocial behavior, delinquency, and drug and alcohol use. Good parenting is parenting that helps protect children against the development of anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and other types of psychological distress.” Laurence Steinberg

Happy Mother’s Day!

Mother’s day at the United Kingdom

Mother’s Day is more popularly known as Mothering Sunday, the origins of the holiday date back to centuries when it was considered important for churchgoers to visit their home or „mother” church once a year. During Lent, the practice became quiet popular, and in a society where children were often sent off to work in other villages at a very young age, it quickly became a time for family reunions and celebrations that were fondly cherished. A special cake, might also be brought along to provide a festive touch. Later, Mothering Sunday became a day when children and domestic servants were allowed a day off to see their families. Celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent, Mothering Sunday remains a time to pay mothers their due rewards for all their love and encouragement with flowers, candies, cards, and other tokens of appreciation.


Surprise your mother with an: Easy Pie for Mother ‘s Day
1 cup sugar
1 cup flour
1 cup milk
1 stick butter, melted
1 can peaches (or any favorite fruit), drained

In a bowl, combine sugar, flour and milk. Pour mixture over butter, stir and press into pie pan. Add peaches. Cook in bottom of oven at 450 degrees until brown.

Enjoy this special day! Happy Mother’s Day!!!

Happy Spring!


Martisor” was a present that Romanians sent to each other on the first day of March, traditionally a gold coin suspended on a white-and-red braided thread with a silk tassel. The recipient used to wear it around his neck until he would see a blooming rose and the present was then placed on its branch; in this way Spring was poetically welcomed. The coin symbolized prosperity, the white-and-red thread, a metaphor of a person’s face white as a lily and rosy as a rose.

In Dobrogea, the Martisor was worn until the arrival of the white storks when it was thrown high up in the sky for bringing „great and winged fortune ” to its bearer.

In the villages of Transilvania, the red-and-white wool yarn Martisor was pinned on gates, windows, sheepfolds, tied around the horns of cattle to protect from the evil eye and malefic spirits; it was believed that the red „color of life” represents vitality and regeneration.

In the folk tradition of the Carpathian mountain villages the Martisor was known as Drogobete, that time of the year when young women used to wash their face in „snow water” for getting „clean, pretty and white as the snow”.

In Bihor folk people believed that the rain water collected on March 1, and during the nine days of the Babe would make one handsome and healthy, while in Banat it was customary for young women to gather snow or water from wild berry leaves and wash their face with it spelling the magic words of the Drogobete for love:

Wild berry flower of March/ make me dear to everyone/ send away from me any harm„.

THE LEGEND OF THE MARTISOR Another legend connects Martisor and “baba Dochia”, another belief of the beginning of spring. Legend says that Baba Dochia had a step daughter he hated  so much and was submitted to all sorts of labor. Once “Baba Dochia” sent her to wash an old waistcoat to the river, in the dead of winter. She was supposed to wash the waistcoat until it became white.  But as she washed it, the waistcoat became more black. Her saving came from a man named Martisor, who gave her a white and red  flower to put on her hair. Immediately, the waistcoat became white, to astonishment and anger of “baba Dochia”, the old woman.
Seeing the flower, “baba Dochia” thought spring came and went with the sheep on the mountain. Because it was warm, Dochia has started to take off the waistcoats (9 in number). Finally the weather broke and it started to snow again. On the top of the mountain was shown Martisor, who said, „do you see how bad it is to sit in cold and wet? do you see how hard it was for your daughter to wash the waistcoat in the dead of winter?

Friendship recipe! Reteta prieteniei:)

A Friend…

(A)ccepts you as you are
(B)elieves in „you”
(C)alls you just to say „HI”
(D)oesn’t give up on you
(E)nvisions the whole of you (even the unfinished parts)
(F)orgives your mistakes
(G)ives unconditionally
(H)elps you
(I)nvites you over
(J)ust „be” with you
(K)eeps you close at heart
(L)oves you for who you are
(M)akes a difference in your life
(N)ever Judges
(O)ffers support
(P)icks you up
(Q)uiets your fears
(R)aises your spirits
(S)ays nice things about you
(T)ells you the truth when you need to hear it
(U)nderstands you
(V)alues you
(W)alks beside you
(X)-plain things you don’t understand
(Y)ells when you won’t listen and
(Z)aps you back to reality.

Friendship recipe!

English poem ……for parents!

Children Learn What They Live

If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn.
If children live with hostility, they learn to fight.
If children live with fear, they learn to be apprehensive.
If children live with pity, they learn to feel sorry for themselves.
If children live with ridicule, they learn to feel shy.
If children live with jealousy, they learn to feel envy.
If children live with shame, they learn to feel guilty.
If children live with encouragement, they learn confidence.
If children live with tolerance, they learn patience.
If children live with praise, they learn appreciation.
If children live with acceptance, they learn to love.
If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves.
If children live with recognition, they learn it is good to have a goal.
If children live with sharing, they learn generosity.
If children live with honesty, they learn truthfulness.
If children live with fairness, they learn justice.
If children live with kindness and consideration, they learn respect.
If children live with security, they learn to have faith in themselves and in those about them.
If children live with friendliness, they learn the world is a nice place in which to live.

If you live with serenity,your children will live with peace of mind.

With what is your child living? by Dorothy Law Nolte

My Christmas Wish For You!

My Christmas wish for you, my friend
Is not a simple one
For I wish you hope and joy and peace
Days filled with warmth and sun

I wish you love and friendship too
Throughout the coming year
Lots of laughter and happiness
To fill your world with cheer

May you count your blessings, one by one
And when totaled by the lot
May you find all you’ve been given
To be more than what you sought

May your journeys be short, your burdens light
May your spirit never grow old
May all your clouds have silver linings
\And your rainbows pots of gold

I wish this all and so much more
May all your dreams come true
May you have a Merry Christmas friend
And a happy New Year, too ..
We wish you a merry Christmas
(Poet – anonymous)

Are you on Santa’s List?

Let Everyday Be Christmas
Christmas is forever, not for just one day,
for loving, sharing, giving, are not to put away
like bells and lights and tinsel, in some box upon a shelf.The good you do for
others is good you do yourself.

Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way! A long year of waiting and Christmas is back again. Christmas imparts magical touch to the whole earth with glittering light, food, love, gifts, and joy. Everyone seems to be happier and kinder. Christmas celebration is the most special celebration for kids. One thing, which everyone likes about Christmas, is to see kids with twinkling eyes and smile waiting for their gifts and cards. Christmas is special for kids because there is plenty of chocolates, cakes, candies and because of Santa Claus and his gifts for them. It is always a delight to watch the kids as they open their boxes of gift. No matter how young or old you are, definitely it’s a pleasure of receiving gifts from others that makes you happy. The reason for Christmas is one but the meanings for Christmas are many.

Christmas Symbols

  • –         Christmas toys that became popular gifts for kids & Christmas ornaments that graced Christmas trees;
  • –         Christmas stockings became a part of the celebrations due to the story of kindly Saint Nicholas or Santa Claus, who is believed to bring toys for children who wash and hang their stockings near the fireplace.
  • –         Stars of all sizes symbolize the divine Christmas Star that made its appearance when the Christ was born.
  • –          Christmas angel ornaments are symbolic of divine angels while Santa Claus is symbolic of not only the kind patrons that delighted in giving gifts to the poor and the children to bring happiness to them during the Christmas season but also of the kindness and charity that are integral part of Christmas spirit;
  • –         Christmas cakes and puddings were part of the Christmas festive meals;
  • –          Christmas trees such as firs and pines and other evergreens such as holly and ivy were symbolic of long life and hope;
  • –          Wreaths and garlands are used to decorate the house. Tinsel, Christmas ornaments and toys were added to Christmas trees to make it look sparkling and livelier;
  • –         Hanging mistletoe and kissing under it is considered to bring good luck to the household and spread the message of love all over the world.

Christmas is near, be merry, be happy. Have a wonderful Christmas in advance! 🙂

English Workshop pentru Copii!

English Workshop

Top Priority “Learn to be the best” organizeaza sambata, 27 Noiembrie, ora 11, in cadrul gradinitei Miniclub Cristina din Pipera un workshop de limba engleza. Acest Workshop este destinat copiilor cu varsta cuprinsa intre 4 -12 ani, in vederea inscrierii  acestora in cadrul Clubului Cambridge.

Clubul Cambridge este un curs pentru copii care urmareste sa trezeasca interesul si placerea copiilor pentru limba engleza, sa le dezvolte capacitatea de a se exprima in aceasta limba, precum si spiritul de observatie, gandirea reproductiva si creativa.

In cadrul acestui Workshop se vor desfasura:

Jocuri communicative

– Activitati de socializare

– Proiect de grup

De asemenea are loc si o prezentare de carte: Culegerea “Together”, culegere de limba engleza destinata copiilor si parintilor.

Nota:  Nu exista taxa!

Confirmati participarea la Workshop la adresele de mail afisate mai jos, intrucat locurile sunt limitate!

Va asteptam!

How to Cook Good Kids!

First wash them with

Plenty of truth, love and affection

Then dip them into positive activities

Mixed with trust

Let simmer in joy, opportunity and education

Then bake in calmness and understanding

While cooling, keep your heart open

To see if any more ingredients may be needed

Such as: success souse and empowerment juice

Before you bring them to the table of life

Wrap them into some warm stay strong bread

Enjoy! 🙂

Happy Halloween!

Who’s that knocking on my door
I must admit I’m little scared,
I open it and what do I see,
A scary old witch and she’s laughing at me
Hee hee hee

Who’s that knocking at my door
I must admit I’m a little scared
I open it and what do I see
A green monster and he’s growling at me.

Now I’m walking out that door,
I’m not gonna be scared no more,
I’m in my costume and I’m ready to be
The one who’s scaring you

The Origins of Halloween

Halloween is one of the oldest holidays with origins going back thousands of years. The holiday we know as Halloween has had many influences from many cultures over the centuries. The holiday originally comes from the Celts, who celebrated New Year on November the 1st and they had to store all the crops for a cold winter. For the Celts, winter was a dark time of year with fewer daylight hours. It was also a season associated with death. They believed that on the night of October 31, ghosts were able to come back to earth. The ghosts were not the friendly variety; instead, they came back to damage crops and torment the living. Since the barrier between the world of the living and that of the dead was thinner on October 31, this was the day when Celtic priests made predictions for the future.

Samhain” was the name of this autumn harvest festival.  Samhain means roughly in Old Irish “summer’s end,” and recognizes the fall harvest, and the separation of the end of the “lighter half” of the year from the beginning of the “darker half” of the year. November is the beginning of the “dark half” and is thus the beginning of half of the year, considered to be New Year’s Day for the Celts.

The Celtic priests were also known as the Druids, and they made Samhain a big event by lighting large bonfires. The Druids also dressed up in costumes that were made from animal heads and skins. When they were finished with the Samhain celebrations, the Celts re-lit the fires in their homes from the flames of those sacred bonfires. They thought it would help to keep them safe and warm all winter.

The Use of Costumes on Halloween

The use of masks and costumes was a practice of the Gaels who were mimicking the spirits in an attempt to quiet them. In Scotland young men wore masks, veils, or black painted faces while wearing white clothing. In the 19th and 20th centuries, children dressed in guises or costumes would go door to door seeking coins or treats.

Halloween Nowadays

Every late November, people in every house hang a least one ornament on their doors, to get in the spirit of the holiday. There are more than one ornamentation options and everybody decorates his house just as he pleases. The most “notorious” ornaments is the candle-pumpkin. It’s practically a pumpkin emptied on the inside and two eyes and a mouth are cut on its shell, and a candle is placed inside. Another way of decoration is the ghost and crown on the door. It’s a ghost standing in the middle of the crown made out of synthetic grass and small Halloween Pumpkins.

Trick or Treat

Another Halloween habit is trick-or-treating. It’s a game for the kids, they put on masks of ghosts, witches, zombies or scary monsters and go from door to door yelling out: Trick or Treat. It means that either you give them a treat or they play a trick on you. The most preferred treats are candy, chocolate or any other kinds of sweets and sometimes pumpkin pie and fruit salad.But no matter what they do, people always find a way to get into the spirit of the holiday, like everyone else should!


„Together” Engleza pentru copii si parinti!

A aparut culegerea “Together” pentru tine si copilul tau! Acum in exclusivitate pe site-ul (la produse noi) puteti achizitiona editia a doua revizuita si adaugita a cartii “Learn to be the best”, care a dus la perfectionarea cunostintelor de limba engleza a  multor familii din Romania. Perfect structurata si adaptata nevoilor culegerea se adreseaza deopotriva adultilor si copiilor.
Scopul culegerii este acela de a veni in ajutorul parintilor si copiilor, facand invatarea unei limbi straine cat mai facila si atractiva. Metoda este extrem de eficace iar culegerea va ofera posibilitatea de a invata pas cu pas alaturi de copilul dumneavoastra.

Comandati acum cartea si beneficiati de experienta vasta acumulata in sistemul privat de invatamant de catre autoarea lucrarii.

Stocul este limitat intrucat vanzarile au depasit asteptarile inca de la lansare, cartea fiind asteptata de toti cei care au avut acces la prima editie a acestei culegeri.

Cuprinsul cartii il puteti vedea pe site-ul nostru:

Comanda carte pe:

Studiati, lucrati si va perfectionati Impreuna!

Life’s little pleasures: Dark, White or Milk?

It’s Chocolate National Week in UK!

The eating of chocolate has long been associated with love.  Apparently, the Aztec emperor, Monteczuma (c1502) drank fifty cups of chocolate a day to enhance his ardour.Chocolate contains Phenylethylamine and Serotonin both of which also occur naturally in the human brain. These mood lifting substances are released into the nervous system when we are happy and when we are experiencing feelings of passion, creating a a rise in blood pressure and heart rate and inducing a feeling of well being. So, when you need a lift – eat chocolate!

The first chocolate house was opened in London by a Frenchman. The shop was called the The Coffee Mill and Tobacco Roll. Costing 10 to 15 shillings per pound, chocolate was considered a beverage for the elite class.

History of Chocolate

1502 – Christopher Columbus introduces chocolate to Spain from his fourth voyage to the New World in 1502 but not as the product we know today. It was only consumed as a drink. The word „chocolate” was derived from the Aztec word xocolatl which means bitter water.

1615Anne of Austria (wife of Louis XIII) declares chocolate as the drink of the French Court , although this was only after much skepticism, as initially it was considered a „barbarous product and noxious drug”.

1640 – chocolate finds its way to England, among other European countries.

1657–  the drink becomes a best seller in England and excessive duties are imposed on chocolate. It takes almost 200 years before the duty is dropped.

1828Dutch chocolate maker Conrad J. Van Houten created the hydraulic cocoa press. The press enabled chocolate makers to crush the „nibs,” or centers, of roasted cacao beans into a paste (Chocolate Liquor). After crushing, some of the cocoa butter was extracted.

1848 – English chocolate maker Joseph Storrs Fry created the first eating chocolate by further refining the cocoa, adding sugar, and mixing the cocoa butter back in.

1875 –  Swiss Daniel Peter added condensed milk  to  chocolate and marketed the first solid milk chocolate bar.

Have a bar of chocolate! It makes your day sweeter! 🙂

Engleza pentru Tine si Copilul tau!

CulegereCulegerea „Together” vine in intampinarea parintilor care se implica activ in procesul de educatie al copiilor lor.
Culegerea” Together” este editia revizuita si adaugita a cartii “Learn to be the best” aparuta in anul 2007.

Scopul culegerii este acela de a veni in ajutorul parintilor si copiilor, facand invatarea unei limbi straine cat mai facila si atractiva. Metoda este extrem de eficace iar culegerea va ofera posibilitatea de a invata pas cu pas alaturi de copilul dumneavoastra.

Cartea este structurata pe capitole, astfel incat pentru adulti exista un capitol foarte bine detaliat cu aspecte din gramatica limbii engleze cu aplicatii si teste de verificare iar pentru elevi, capitolele sunt destinate pentru a invata limba engleza prin metode atractive si eficiente facand apel la: imbogatira vocabularului, utilizarea lui in contexte diferite, redactarea unor texte cat si posibilitatea de a retine notiunile invatate cu ajutorul reprezentarilor grafice ce urmeaza a fi colorate.

Cuprinsul cartii il puteti vedea pe site-ul nostru:

Comanda carte pe: ( la produse noi)

Studiati, lucrati si va perfectionati Impreuna!

Happy Teacher’s Day!

Your Teachers

Let the sky become
Your teacher.
You will learn
How to serve.
Let the moon become
Your teacher.
You will learn
How to love.
Let the sun become
Your teacher.
You will learn
How to become.

World Teachers’ Day, held annually on 5 October since 1994, commemorates the anniversary of the signing in 1966 of the UNESCO/ILO Recommendation Concerning the Status of Teachers. It is an occasion to celebrate the essential role of teachers in providing quality education at all levels. This post is a tribute to teachers.

Good teachers impart good education. Great teachers groom their students to become leaders. Ordinary teachers direct us along the right path, but great teachers inspire us to seek our own path. They encourage us to discover our talents.
Children often take a liking to a particular subject simply because they love the person who teaches them that subject. Needless to say, children also dislike certain subjects when they dislike their teacher
I think anybody who imparts a special skill or knowledge is a teacher. So a friend who teaches you to ice-skate is a teacher. A sibling who educates you on social etiquettes is also a teacher. A good teacher not just imparts training but also inspires the student to learn.

As a teacher, I often encourage students with motivational speeches and quotes. But what motivates the teachers? I’ll tell you: Teachers gain inspiration when they see their students’ progress. This is the biggest motivation.
I’m not going to explore more this subject, I won’t talk about political issues and the way this affect educational process. I’ll stop here, just celebrating this day with fresh and unforgettable memories!

Have fun!
TEACHER : George, go to the map and find North America.
GEORGE : Here it is!
TEACHER : Correct. Now class, who discovered America ?
CLASS : George!
TEACHER : Tommy, why do you always get so dirty?
TOMMY : Well, I’m a lot closer to the ground than you are.
TEACHER : Ellen, give me a sentence starting with „I.”
ELLEN : I is…
TEACHER : No, Ellen….. Always say, „I am.”
ELLEN : All right… „I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.”
TEACHER : „Can anybody give an example of COINCIDENCE?”
JOHNNY : „Sir, my Mother and Father got married on the same day, same time
TEACHER : Desmond, your composition on „My Dog” is exactly the same as brother’s. Did you copy his?
DESMOND : No, teacher, it’s the same dog!
TEACHER : What do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested?
PUPIL : A teacher.

Mannerisms-Good manners are for everyone!

Most people in our society follow certain common-sense rules, which today are necessary to get along with others. These rules of behavior are called ‘etiquette‘ or simply good manners. ([Etiquette, French, was a note of instructions given to someone invited to a royal reception.])

Most experts will tell you that teaching good manners and respectful behavior all starts at home. Parents need to show their children how good manners are appropriate and should be followed. Manners must be learned at an early age of the child’s development. Slowly as the youth grows older, he or she will find it easier to learn good manners if the other members of the family, especially parents, or teachers in schools as they treat one another politely and fairly.

Parents Teaching Good Manners: A lesson that many parents forget, is that they need to model what they want from their children. In other words, parents need to be watchful in what they say and do with each other in front of their children. Most children learn by imitating what they see. Parents need to explain to their children what is expected of them concerning good manners, however if the parent is not reinforcing it with good manners themselves, the effort is useless. The children should be taught that you don’t have to shout to be heard and they shouldn’t interrupt others whilst they are talking. The adults should praise and give affection in return for good manners. By showing your child good manners, you reinforce the expectations you have for your children.

4 Little Tips!

Say please and thank you everyday.

 • Praise your children liberally when they’re polite.

 • Correct them when they’re not.

• Give constant reminders to say please and thank you.

Teaching Good Core Values for Good Manners:

Just explaining to your child and modeling that good manners behavior may not be successful. A child will need to have some core values explained to them so that good manners make sense. Some core values to focus on would be respect, honesty, and consideration. These three core values that good manners are based on. You can teach a child what to say such as ‘Thank you’ and ‘Yes, please’ but they are just words unless you have explained to them why they are important. When your child is well mannered, they are more likely to be liked by others. Parents of other children will enjoy your child around their children. Teachers will make sure that your child is successful in school. Your child will begin to develop a higher level of self-confidence with the positive responses they get back from their good manners.

Invest the time with your child to teach them not only the verbal good manners of ‘thank you’ and ‘please’ but also other etiquettes. The simple rule is to treat people kindly and courteously – remembering to behave as you would like others to behave towards you…

Invatarea limbilor straine de la o varsta frageda

Ce spun Specialistii?

Un copil poate şi este indicat să înveţe o limbă străină de la o vârstă cât mai fragedă.

Un copil poate să înceapă să vorbească o limbă străină de când începe să articuleze cuvinte în limba maternă. Capacitatea creierului de a recepta şi de a învăţa limbi străine este foarte mare la vârste mici. Aşadar, la vârsta de 2-3 ani, când achiziţionează limbajul matern, copilul poate învăţa, în paralel, şi o altă limbă. În plus, copiii au o capacitate surprinzătoare de a face distincţia între cele două limbi pe care le învaţă, deci 2-3 ani nu este o vârstă prea mică”-psihopedagog A. Stănculescu.

La 3 ani, copilul devine mai curios şi adulţii pot colabora cu el, pentru că vorbeşte şi începe să înţeleagă sensul cuvintelor. Este recomandat totusi să se aştepte întâi învăţarea limbii materne foarte bine, înainte de a învăţa să citească într-o altă limbă.  Dacă se vorbeşte şi în casă acea limbă, este cu atât mai bine pentru copil, pentru că la 6 ani va ajunge să vorbească în două limbi”- psiholog A. Ivan.

 Pe la vârsta de 4 ani, devine activă şi se manifestă capacitatea de memorare. „Vârsta aproximativă de 4 ani, în funcţie de dezvoltarea psiho-neuro-somatică a copilului, este prielnică în a asimila o limbă străină. Dar trebuie să se insiste şi să se menţină un program permanent de învăţare a limbii alese, deoarece copilul uită repede, pentru că fixarea este fluctuantă şi adeseori superficială”

 În concluzie, puneţi-l pe copil să înveţe o limbă străină încă de mic, şi nu la şapte ani, concluzionează specialiştii. „E bine să înveţe o altă limbă cât mai de mici şi până învaţă scrisul şi cititul la şcoală”.Copiii nu fac confuzii între cuvinte, dacă învaţă mai multe limbi

 Specialiştii demontează de asemenea şi mitul potrivit căruia copiii pot face confuzii între cuvinte atunci când învaţă mai multe limbi.Pentru copil nu este mai dificil să înveţe două limbi în acelaşi timp decât una singură. Copilul este capabil să diferenţieze mai multe limbi încă înainte de a începe să vorbească. Creierul nefiind format, înmagazinarea mai multor limbi în paralel se face natural”, psiholog. Izsak.

În situaţia în care părinţii au divergenţe asupra limbii pe care copilul să o înveţe, atunci fiecare părinte îl va învăţa limba preferată, deoarece copilul va şti cum să vorbească cu fiecare dintre ei, spun psihologii.

 Metode de Invatare!

Pedagogii şi psihologii au căzut de acord că, modul cel mai eficient ca un copil să înveţe o limbă străină este conversaţia.“O limbă străină se învaţă cel mai bine prin conversaţie permanentă.  Copilul învaţă permanent, făcând orice activitate – merge, se uită la ceva, se joacă. Toate aceste activităţi verbalizate în limba în care vrem să înveţe îl ajută să achiziţioneze acel limbaj”, pedagog A. Stănculescu.

Totuşi, metodele de învăţare diferă de la copil la copil, în funcţie de particularităţile de dezvoltarea ale fiecăruia şi de ritmul propriu de învăţare.

Metodele trebuie să fie personalizate, pentru ca cel mic să atingă nivelul de cunoştinţe necesar fără ca acest lucru să însemne o oboseală prea mare din partea sa. Unii copii sunt mai avantajaţi în învăţare prin susţinerea conversaţiilor, alţii prin repetarea expunerii unor imagini concomitent cu verbalizarea”

„De aceea, la această vârstă, la 3-4 ani, învăţarea este cea mai indicată prin joc ca metodă de predare-învăţare. Jocurile didactice sunt jocuri cu reguli în care domină strategii intelectuale”

„Jocurile, cântecele reprezintă o metodă bună de învăţare, pentru că cei mici nu au răbdare să stea pe scaun şi să li se predea o lecţie”

Atenţia voluntară creşte de la 12-14 minute până la 45-50 minute în joc, audiţii, vizionare de diafilme, teatru de copii”, spune Izsak.La copilul şcolar mic se utilizează forme de învăţare simple bazate pe solicitările memoriei. Sunt mai active formulele legate de impresionabilitate şi atractivitate (culoare, imagine).

Specialiştii nu sunt însă de acord cu învăţarea de la televizor sau cu ajutorul CD-urilor, pe care le văd nişte metode statice.  TV -ul şi CD-urile „leneşesc” neuronii

“Televizorul şi CD-urile sunt o activitate statică, la fel ca şi calculatorul. Aceasta este o activitate pasivă de învăţare, dar copilul devine sedentar şi neuronii care ar trebui să lucreze activ pentru învăţare stau, pe când, în jocuri, copiii sunt activi, devin implicaţi”, psiholog A. Ivan.

Cu acest articol sper ca am reusit sa vin in intampinarea parintilor, dandu-le informatii precise si utile, de un real folos pentru buna dezvoltare si educatie a copiilor lor.