Cambridge Club 2012

Dragi parinti,

Pentru ca suntem inca in vacanta activitatile in limba engleza pentru copii vor incepe in data de 20.01.2012. De asemenea, va anuntam ca pe parcursul acestui an, surprizele si noutatiile se vor tine lant. Nu divulgam nimic deocamdata, altfel nu ar mai fi surpriza 🙂

Pana la inceperea cursurilor, aveti la dispozitie  adresa noastra de mail pentru inscrieri/ intrebari/informatii sau orice alte detalii.

Toate cele bune!

Echipa Cambridge Club

How to Cook Good Kids!

First wash them with

Plenty of truth, love and affection

Then dip them into positive activities

Mixed with trust

Let simmer in joy, opportunity and education

Then bake in calmness and understanding

While cooling, keep your heart open

To see if any more ingredients may be needed

Such as: success souse and empowerment juice

Before you bring them to the table of life

Wrap them into some warm stay strong bread

Enjoy! 🙂