Cozy Autumn Bucket List


What is a Bucket List? It’s a list of achievements or experiences that a person hopes to accomplish during their lifetime or in this case, you want to explore during this autumn. You can also empower your kids to make or plan their own fun activities! 🙂 Take a look at some of our favourite outdoor and indoor activities:

toamna 2018


*Organize Fall picnic. * Go on a nature walk. * Make pumpkin cream soup * Bake an apple pie. *Visit the library. * Go to a museum.  * Ride a bike. * Visit a friend. * Read a book* Play children games. * Go camping. * Make crafts. * Get ready for Halloween. * Have a garden party. * Have a pyjama party. * Climb a tree. * Go hiking.  * Be a tourist in your city. * Go Scavenger Hunt. * Go rock collecting and paint them. * Make a leaf Mandala. * Play boardgames. * Have a homemade pizza party night. * Go to creative workshops. *. * Have a No-Media day. *Go to the countryside. * Visit a farm. * Go to Yoga class Mom & Me. * Go Apple Picking * Make Fall Recipes.* Go to Cooking Workshops * Change your look.*

Prof. Ana-Maria Sulu

(Teacher Anne)

FB/Engleza MultiSensory


FUNtastic Summer Bucket List

What is a bucket list? It’s a list of achievements or experiences that a person hopes to accomplish during their lifetime or in this case, you want to explore during this summer. You can also empower your kids to make or plan their own fun! 🙂 Take a look at some of our favourite outdoor activities:

our summer bucket list 2018

*Have a picnic. * Go on a nature walk. * Fly a kite. * Build sandcastles. *Visit the library. * Go to a museum. * Bake cookies. * Ride a bike. * Visit a friend. * Plant a garden. * Play children games. * Go camping. * Make crafts. * Water gun fight. * Have a garden party. * Have a pyjama party. * Climb a tree. * Go hiking. * Blow bubbles. * Dance. * Look for bugs. * Be a tourist in your city. * Volunteer. * Go rock collecting and paint them. * Do a science experiment. * Play boardgames. * Have a homemade pizza party night. *Make and float paper boats. * Go to creative workshops. *Pool Day. * Have a No-Media day. *Go to the countryside. * Visit a farm. * Go to Yoga class Mom & Me

Prof. Ana-Maria Sulu

(Teacher Anne)

FB/Engleza MultiSensory

Recipe for a Magical Childhood

Take a loving family with one or more children.

  • Create meaningful family moments: wonderful journeys, activities, projects, trips and fun for the whole family.
  • Blend in some celebrations and traditions.
  • Mix with surprises from time to time.
  • Pour in generous amounts of kindness, patience, respect and trust

magical child

For best results:

* Include nature time and physical activity

*Nourish with healthy food and adequate sleep

*Infuse heart, creativity and Love into your every day actions and experiences.

Prof. Ana-Maria Sulu (Teacher Anne)

FB/Engleza MultiSensory

Blessings Jar DIY/ Borcanul cu Binecuvântàri

De cativa ani ma tot tin sa fac un borcan cu binecuvantari/ bucurii mici si mari adunate de -a lungul anului, insa din varii motive am omis. De data aceasta am pregatit un borcan, pot spune ca e chiar stylish 😉… Daca notezi in agenda, jurnal, ar fi doar pentru tine iar eu as vrea mai mult, as vrea ca cei doi copii ai mei sa creasca cu bucurie si recunostinta, sa aprecieze cu adevarat atat micile cat si marile bucurii, sa creasca constienti. Aceasta idee vine intr-adevar in ajutorul celor care vor sa traiasca constient si vor sa transmita mai departe valori, traditii de familie, bucuria de a trai si recunostinta pentru cele primite.


Borcanul cu Binecuvântàri pentru familia ta contine momentele voastre , situatiile si experientele voastre de viata traite cu bucurie, entuziasm si implinire. Daca copiii sunt de varsta scolara pot fi implicati cu usurinta si pot ei insisi sa scrie biletele cu bucuriile de -a lungul anului iar in data de 31 decembrie, la finele anului, se citesc cu emotie, recunostinta si amuzament!  Sper ca te-am inspirat si pe tine. 😊

Cu pasiune si entuziasm,  Ana-Maria Sulu ( Teacher Anne)

DIY Sorcova Vesela

Anul acesta fiica mea si-a dorit petrecere de Sf. Stefan. Avand in vedere ca aceasta zi este chiar in mijlocul vacantei de iarna, i-am anuntat repede prietenii care sunt disponibili sa vina sa petrecem impreuna. Pentru ca se apropie si Anul Nou si tot am cantat prin casa „Sorcova vesela” am zis sa cumparam o sorcova. Insa nu stiam cum sa gasesc timp sa caut pe la florarii etc. O mamica mi-a zis sa-i fac eu o sorcova si de aici…. mi-a venit apoi ideea sa fac de ziua ei si un Atelier de Sorcove. A fost o idee minunata, am initiat astfel o traditie, in fiecare an cu ocazia zilei de Sf. Stefan vom avea Party + Atelier de Sorcove. 😉


Pentru o sorcova vesela aveti nevoie de: hartie colorata creponata, bete uscate/crengute, folie de aluminiu pentru imbracat crengutele si scotch/banda adeziva. Am ales o varianta foarte simpla de sorcova, avand in vedere ca cei mici aveau varste cuprinse intre 3-6 ani. Crengutele/Betele se imbraca in folie de aluminiu, hartia creponata se taie si se formeaza cat mai multe flori colorate, le legam la capat cu scotch si apoi le prindem pe bat tot cu scotch. Cand sunt gata, se canta cu energie si veselie:


Sorcova, vesela,
Să trăiţi, să infloriţi:
Ca un măr, ca un păr, 
Ca un fir de trandafir. 
Tare ca piatra, 
Iute ca săgeata.
Tare ca fierul, 
Iute ca oţelul. 
La anul si La multi ani!

Cu pasiune si entuziasm, Ana-Maria Sulu (Teacher Anne)

Our Winter Bucket List

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Whether you prefer to stay indoors and keep cozy or get outside and explore, there are many opportunities to enjoy this season. This is my family bucket list . You can find here brilliant creative ideas, you will enjoy during cold weather.

bucket list Iris

Our Winter Bucket List

  • Make a Family Handprint Garland * Read Winter Books * Play indoor games * Make cookies and cupcakes * Have a Tea Party * Make home decorations * Make Christmas Cards * Pay visits * Play in the Snow * Build a Snowman * Make SnowAngels * Prepare gifts for a poor family * Go to creative Workshops * Go to the Christmas Market * Have a picnic by the Christmas Tree * Make salt ornaments  * Go sledding * Make homemde Bird feeders * Spend time with you family and relatives * Take funny photos * Make a winter funny moments collage * Make a glitter jar * Make paper snowflakes * Family Yoga * Pool Day with your family * Go to the mountains * Watch a movie together * Have a pillow fight *Create a hula hoop sensory toy (for my little baby) * Create a winter sensory bin

Gondos Family Bucket List

Wishing You Well! 🙂

                                                    Ana-Maria Sulu (Teacher Anne)


World Book Day! Sarbatorim Ziua Internationala a cartii!

‘There is no skill on earth that children want to acquire more than reading”
   Dr Marion Blank


Reading is a skill, not a natural talent.

To learn any skill children need

* opportunity

* support &

* time

World Book Day is a day to encourage reading, celebrated every year on 23rd April.

We are happy to celebrate something that we actually enjoy! So, children are expected to come on Thursday 23 rd April, at 18:00, to celebrate the pleasure of reading.

We’ll have special activities due to this celebration and many other surprises! 🙂

N.B  Bring your favourite book! 🙂 

Happy Book Day!

