Recipe for a Magical Childhood

Take a loving family with one or more children.

  • Create meaningful family moments: wonderful journeys, activities, projects, trips and fun for the whole family.
  • Blend in some celebrations and traditions.
  • Mix with surprises from time to time.
  • Pour in generous amounts of kindness, patience, respect and trust

magical child

For best results:

* Include nature time and physical activity

*Nourish with healthy food and adequate sleep

*Infuse heart, creativity and Love into your every day actions and experiences.

Prof. Ana-Maria Sulu (Teacher Anne)

FB/Engleza MultiSensory

Fairy Party- Magic Moments

Magic moments, healthy treats and lots of fun – the perfect party combination.   „Fairy Forest” transported the children away to a magical world  of make believe, where their dreams began and enchantment  commenced. The activities they participated in included:

* arts & crafts: children decorated magic garlands

* a magic show (we danced, sang and played funny games).

* raffle prizes

We all had great fun, enjoyed the magic, the fun, the laughter!

Fairy PartyFairykidsfairy partyfairy partyFairy wishchildhood