Colours of Halloween


Black cat. Orange pumpkin.

White ghost. Green-eyed monster.

Black, orange, white, green.

These are the colours of Halloween!

Set the spirit flying on the Halloween night! Here we have some ideas: Carve the pumpkin, light the candles, go trick or treating or just read these  monster riddles to your kids.

 I am a monster that has been on a diet. There is no fat on me! Or muscle either! You might say that I am all skin and bones –without the skin. I rattle when I walk. And my teeth chatter when I talk.   I come from far, far away. Most people think I am green and hideous. But really I am not so bad. I am just looking for a few Earthlings to put in my zoo back on my home planet.
Who am I?______________________ Who am I?_______________________
 I walk through walls as I please.  Sometimes you can see me and sometimes you can’t. I moan and I groan. I rattle chains. You find me in old houses, graveyards, and castles.  Most of the time, you would never guess I was a monster because I look just like you. But once a month, I let my hair down and howl at the moon.  But beware! If I bite you will become like me.
Who am I?_______________________ Who am I?_______________________
 I was wrapped in white and buried in my tomb a long time ago.Now, I wait in the dark with my golden treasures all around. Outside the sand piles high over top my tomb.
Who am I?______________________

 Dressed in black, I brew potions, I cast spells, and I put curses on people. If you bother me or my cat, you’ll sit on a lily pad and eat flies.  I live under bridges and in caves. I eat travelers that pass my way. I am large and ugly. I carry a club. Think of a word that rhymes with ‘roll.’
Who am I? Who am I?

Welcome! Have a seat. Dinner will be served shortly. Sorry we don’t have any garlic bread. I can’t stand it. What am I drinking you ask? Don’t worry . . . it’s . . um . . . grape juice. Now just relax while I look at your neck. 

Who am I?_______________________

Proud To Be a Teacher!(part 2)

Mare, mare bucurie la Santa’s Workshop! Copiii au dat dovada de  entuziasm si implicare,  de data aceasta,  in cadrul atelierului de creatie. Activitatile desfasurate au fost un deliciu pentru cei mici pentru ca le-a stimulat interesul si dorinta de a se implica, de a realiza ceva prin stradania lor, dezvoltandu-si astfel creativitatea, imaginatia si fara efort am mai invatat cate ceva in limba engleza. Este cunoscut faptul ca acest gen de activitati, care stimuleaza creativitatea le da posibilitatea de a-si manifesta personalitatea, integrarea in colectiv, socializarea si dobandirea de noi cunostinte. Mai jos sunt cateva poze din cadrul evenimentului care ne-a placut mult, mult de tot!

Santa’s Workshop!

 Atelier dedicat micilor spiridusi!

Cambridge Club are placerea de a va invita, Sambata 10 decembrie, ora 11:00 la atelierul nostru de creatie. In cadrul acestui workshop dedicat sarbatorilor de iarna, copiii vor participa gratuit la activitati educative desfasurate in limba engleza.

Ce vom face? Iata cateva exemple:

• Coloram! • Lipim! • Decupam!

• Facem colaje, proiecte de grup:“Winter – a magic season”

 • Ascultam/Vizionam/Cantam colinde de iarna

Vizionam povesti de sezon: “Santa’s workshop” & “Santa’s Surprise”

Art & Craft“My funny snowman”( creatie individuala “Simpaticul Om de zapada”)


– nu se percepe taxa

– confirmati participarea intrucat locurile sunt limitate!

Joi (08.12.2011)este ultima zi in care se mai pot face inscrieri!

Inscrieri: 0757 525 372

Proud to be a teacher!

What a great Halloween Party!  We had lots of witches, fairies, vampires, ghosts, pumpkins and other Halloween characters. It was a delightful evening with lots of laughter. Kids were so excited, they danced, sang, coloured, watched funny Halloween stories and  Snow White (the Host) gave them „little presents”.  Thank you for your participation!

Snow White 🙂

Here are some photos of our funny & enjoyable evening:

Halloween Party for Kids!

 Halloween is just around the corner in just 4 short days, we’ll be celebrating the very things that we fear in our every day lives. Things like ghosts, monsters, witches and other frightening creatures are to be paraded around because we are preparing a Halloween Party for Kids!

Children aged (3 to 10 years) are invited to our Party, on Monday 31.10.2011 at our location in Pipera. We are going to organize funny (not scary) activities, games and of course a special “Halloween Costume Contest”. Children will also enjoy our special snacks and treats and more other surprises. Be our guest!

For details:  0757 525 372

Friendship recipe! Reteta prieteniei:)

A Friend…

(A)ccepts you as you are
(B)elieves in „you”
(C)alls you just to say „HI”
(D)oesn’t give up on you
(E)nvisions the whole of you (even the unfinished parts)
(F)orgives your mistakes
(G)ives unconditionally
(H)elps you
(I)nvites you over
(J)ust „be” with you
(K)eeps you close at heart
(L)oves you for who you are
(M)akes a difference in your life
(N)ever Judges
(O)ffers support
(P)icks you up
(Q)uiets your fears
(R)aises your spirits
(S)ays nice things about you
(T)ells you the truth when you need to hear it
(U)nderstands you
(V)alues you
(W)alks beside you
(X)-plain things you don’t understand
(Y)ells when you won’t listen and
(Z)aps you back to reality.

Friendship recipe!