‘Tis the season to be Jolly!

„See the holidays through the eyes of a child. Remember your time as a child. Are we really that different? Wonder is not exclusive to children. The holidays are full of wonderment.” ~ Mark Toomey


May Joy and Happiness snow on You,

May the bells jingle for You

And may Santa be extra good to You!

Cambridge Club wishes you all these and more. Happy Holidays!


The Legend of the Christmas Stocking

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that Saint Nicholas soon would be there„. There was a kindly nobleman whose wife had died of an illness leaving the nobleman and his three daughters in despair. After losing all his money in useless and bad inventions the family had to move into a peasant’s cottage, where the daughters did their own cooking, sewing and cleaning. When it came time for the daughters to marry, the father became even more depressed as his daughters could not marry without dowries, money and property given to the new husband’s family. One night after the daughters had washed out their clothing they hung their stockings over the fireplace to dry. That night Saint Nicholas, knowing the despair of the father, stopped by the nobleman’s house. Looking in the window Saint Nicholas saw that the family had gone to bed. He also noticed the daughters’ stockings. He secretly tossed three bags filled with gold coins down the chimney. The bags fell into the stockings that were hanging by the fire. His kindhearted gift made it possible for all three daughters to marry and have a happy life. From this was born the legend of Santa coming down the chimney and placing gifts in children’s Christmas Stockings.

May you find your Christmas stockings filled with delight, fun, health and happiness! 🙂


Santa’s Workshop!

 Atelier dedicat micilor spiridusi!

Cambridge Club are placerea de a va invita, Sambata 10 decembrie, ora 11:00 la atelierul nostru de creatie. In cadrul acestui workshop dedicat sarbatorilor de iarna, copiii vor participa gratuit la activitati educative desfasurate in limba engleza.

Ce vom face? Iata cateva exemple:

• Coloram! • Lipim! • Decupam!

• Facem colaje, proiecte de grup:“Winter – a magic season”

 • Ascultam/Vizionam/Cantam colinde de iarna

Vizionam povesti de sezon: “Santa’s workshop” & “Santa’s Surprise”

Art & Craft“My funny snowman”( creatie individuala “Simpaticul Om de zapada”)


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Joi (08.12.2011)este ultima zi in care se mai pot face inscrieri!

Inscrieri: 0757 525 372    office@englezadenota10.ro