English Values

From the early English times we can find a value system and culture based on the 9 English values.  English ancestors were a people we can learn much from.

1. Courage and selflessness
2. Truth
3. Honour
4. Fidelity
5. Discipline and duty
6. Hospitality
7. Industriousness
8. Self-reliance
9. Perseverance

These 9 Values can mean a variety of things to a variety of people. Here is one set of interpretations:

1. Be Brave, stand up for yourself and what you believe. Do not turn the other cheek.
2. Be honest with yourself. You only kid yourself if you lie be truthful to others.
3. Believe in your self. Stand by what you believe.
4. Stay true to yourself, your family, faith (in England,) and folk.
5. Develop self discipline and inner strength rather than relying on other stimulus. Follow these values. Teach others.
6. Your hearth should be welcoming to family and folk and help those in need.
7. Work hard to achieve your goals and make strong your inner Self.
8. Try not to rely on others, do what you can yourself.
9. Life is a hard path at times, but push yourself on till you reach your goal.

Learn these values yourselves and teach others to do the same!